Documentaries Distribution
        We have a worldwide distribution network spread over Asia, Europe, and North America with offices and people on the ground. And by the long term cooperation with the companies based in France, South Korea, Japan, Canada, US, we represent the catalogue of not only own IPs, but also the local producers'. We also have a exploitation and L&M team and specialize in distributing programs across multiple platforms through our partnership with broadcasters, VOD and merchandising etc., thereby gaining maximum value and revenues out of each IP.
HOMEWORKSRunning time:8 X 13'
       One evening after school, if you happen to look behind the closed doors of a house or a youth club, if there are children about, you are bound to witness « the homework saga »...
CITIZEN KIDSRunning time:12 X 13'
        Among the numerous apprenticeships that children have to deal with in their ten first years, is that they must learn to live with the others.
         How to instill children the necessary rudiments to live in society?
       What are the means to teach them that it exists laws, rules, that each and everyone must respect in order for the world we live in to turn well?
         How to teach them that they have rights, but on the other hand, duties?
         How to introduce them with citizenship?
        ALLONS Z'ENFANTS is a series of 12 episodes of 13 minutes each, in the course of which, we will share the simple and concrete actions taken for and with children by schools, associations, local councils, and, at the heart of the family, so as to go with the children in the apprenticeship of citizenship.
HOLIDAYSRunning time :8 X 13'
       Not only do the children have taken back the road to school, that we must think of the next vacations. Seventeen weeks in total of holidays per year for the children. An employee does only have 5 of them! What do we do of our children, the rest of the time?
       HOLIDAYS explores all the solutions found by the parents, and take up the kids' point of view to have a look at the break the vacations are in their life. The series commits to render all the colors of the holidays: as many moments of happiness the children keep in memory for the rest of the year. As the episodes follow, HOLIDAYS underlines the importance that the vacations with the family continue to have: a time to really profit of each other.
         It is about exploring and proposing to the parents a glance in the wings of HOLIDAYS.